Within this graphic novel I love the fact that there is a strong, female character as one of the main characters. Usually we have a damsel in distress with her boobs out, but in this case if it came to zombie killing this is the character I'd love to be.
We follow a couple of characters through their story of how the apocalypse broke out - again - in 1977 a few years after the first sightings of zombies, which slowly dwindled away.
It's based in Las Vegas which is a brilliant place for this to be set in. Who doesn't appreciate a zombie Elvis?
Again, the art work is phenomenal, if you read this graphic novel really take in the detail of all the work, especially at the end in the 'Gallery' section.
I write a small blog about my Zombie collection and memorabilia. I thought it would be fun to document and share my collection with fellow collectors, people with the same interests and people who are most likely bored. I write short, pretty broad reviews and have fun doing it. If you like my blog, you can follow it on Twitter, too. www.twitter.com/strollingunwell