Absolutely loved this episode to be honest.
I have had a fair few people tell me it was boring after the first episode. Well, I'm sorry, but you cannot have killings like that every week. It's unrealistic. That would not happen in the zombie apocalypse, and if it did EVERYONE would be dead by now.
If anything, we deserved a toned down episode after that blow (pardon the pun) from last week. Episode 1 ripped our hearts out, we need time to repair and come back from that, right?
Also, how could you consider episode 2 to be boring? Did you not see that beautiful tiger, Shiva? We were introduced to the amazing character, Ezekiel and his tiger, yet that was boring? I think Ezekiel is definitely an instant favourite of mine. He looks exactly like to comic book and he is just so cool! I love how in the first episode he is in he completely opens up to Carol and we see (what I presume people who have not read the comics would assume) that he is not an arrogant man who calls himself 'King' - there is so much more to him. He seems honest and genuine so far and I really, really like his character. I love Shiva, of course, she is so majestic and really done well with CGI.
Carol is slightly annoying me, is she going a bit loopy? Probably.
I think Morgan seems happier in the Kingdom as opposed to Alexandria.
Can't wait for the next episode!!