Monday, 27 October 2014

The Walking Dead - Season 5, Episode 3

Was anybody expecting that?! It's getting so brutal lately, we can definitely see a change in Rick from Series 1, Episode 1, to now. He's a completely different man, and that gives Andrew Lincoln credit for his acting.

The end was left on a cliff hanger too, how are we supposed to wait a week to find out what the hell is going on?

This series is going so quick, so much has happened in only three episodes. It's madness! Can't wait for next week.

George A. Romero Autograph And Picture - Now Framed!

Meeting George A. Romero was one of the best experiences of my life and I'm so glad I did it. Getting my picture with him and his autograph will be a memory that I will never, ever forget. Because this memory means so much to me, I really wanted to frame the autograph and the picture, but I couldn't find a frame that would fit these two objects in perfectly, and a custom frame would have been too expensive.

So, I went to Homebase and bought a 50cm x 40cm frame, with my staff discount it came to £7.99 and I then drove to Hobbycraft and bought an A1 piece of black card, which was the smallest bit of card which could be made to fit into the frame, all of the other cards were too small, plus I really needed a sturdy bit of card - not flimsy paper. I also got some masking tape which all in all came to £3.00.

I cut the card down to 50cm x 40cm and cut out two square 'frames' within the card in order to fit the autograph and the picture. I used my math skills - which I'm not great at - to get the positioning right. I cut everything with a Stanley knife and a ruler to make sure it was straight.

And here is the end product:

To be honest, I'm very proud of it.

If I can do it, anyone can, and it's a nifty way of making your own custom frame. It didn't even cost that much either - £10.99 not bad for a custom frame if I say so myself.

MCM Expo - 26/10/2014 - Zombie Haul

This was the convention that I had been looking forward to the most. It's absolutely huge and considering it is only at the Excel in London, it's about a 20 minute drive from my house, so that's what we do. Driving there is so much better than public transport, parking is dear, but it's about the price of two train fares there so, I'd rather drive.

Funny story about this convention, we bought priority tickets for the Saturday, but there was still a massive queue, so we ended up walking through the car park and right round the back, down these corridors and managed to sneak ourselves in. We ended up walking behind this stage and there were guards with walkie talkies but we just walked like we knew where we were going and they didn't even question us. So woo, we avoided queues. Bit naughty, but worth it.

So we walked in and it was much bigger than May this year. There were two full halls of merchandise and celebrities and so much to look at. It was so amazing, as were the cosplays that people turned up in. I just love the atmosphere there.

So, overall, I got quite a few zombie things to add to my collection.

I got:
Funko Pop! Walking Dead - Merle Dixon
Funko Pop! Walking Dead - Tyreese
Funko Pop! Walking Dead - Prison Glenn
Funko Pop! Walking Dead - Well Walker
Funko Pop! Walking Dead - Teddy Bear Girl

DEAD ALL OVER Zombie Chewbacca print

The Walking Dead canvas print - yes, another, but this one is cool, they have the comic characters, bicycle girl and then all the actors and actresses that portray the comic characters. Really cool stuff.

Also got a couple things that were not zombie related.

It got really, really packed. This kind of ruined it, because one, there was no space to move, let alone look at stuff, and two, all your stuff could have got squashed because there were so many people.

If you like the zombie Chewbacca print you can get one from it's really cool, the artist limits his prints so there aren't many of them in circulation. Zombie Chewbacca is limited to 30 prints. There are many other great characters turned into zombies in his prints.

Anyway, here are my zombie buys for the day:

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Walking Dead - Season 5, Episode 2

I thought this episode was going to be a bit slow compared to the first one, considering how fast paced and action packed episode one was, but well, that was a lie. I appreciated the 'St Sarah's Church' bit, you gotta love seeing your name on television, especially in one of your favourite shows.

Loved the introduction of the new character, who we have all previously met in the comics. However the storyline is very, very similar to the comics so I wonder if we can predict what's going to happen? Or if they are going to completely throw us off?

Well, that's all I'm going to say because I hate spoliers. I think everyone does, don't they?

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Winter London Film And Comic Convention - 18/10/14 - Zombie Haul

Today I went to the London Film and Comic Convention in Earls Court. Same place where I went in July and the same place where I met Romero, unfortunately this time there wasn't many cool zombie guests that I wanted to meet, which I didn't mind - saves me money!

Last time I went it was packed and disgustingly overcrowded but this time there were barely any people, so I had a good look at all the stalls there, bonus!

So all the goodies I got today are Walking Dead related, I'm not complaining and to be honest, there wasn't any other zombie stuff there really - except for an overpriced pillow.

I managed to get my hands on a Walking Dead print for £7 which I'm really happy about, I'm going to put it above my bed.

To add to my Funko Pop! Walking Dead collection, which I can't wait to complete, (well, until they bring out the sixth series of the pops), I got the RV Walker which was the last one there, there was another but the box was bashed up. I also got the Prison Guard Walker, the lovely Herschel and my favourite lady, Carol. The thing I like about getting Pops! at conventions is that you can check out the paint work before you buy it, some of the paint work is really shoddy which sucks.

I'm really happy with what I got today and next week I'll be driving to the Excel for another con - MCM! I can't wait, I've been saving for these cons and now I can fuel my zombie addiction - one Saturday after the other!

Monday, 13 October 2014

The Walking Dead - Season 5, Episode 1

Oh my god!!! How tense was that episode?! The first five minutes were just filled with blood and the whole episode just got gorier. I really do think they have heightened the effects and most definitely, the gore factor. Did anybody notice we see the guy that Rick and Carol met in the house and we all thought 'what on earth was that scene about?' I won't give spoilers but keep an eye out for it. It's really early in the episode, too.

It was more like Season 4's finale than the start of Season 5.

I still can't get over how much Eugene and Abraham look like their characters in the comics.

When watching it, wait until after the credits, there's a scene after them which you won't want to miss.

What a brilliant episode, I can't wait for next week!!

Britain Is Actually Prepared For A Zombie Apocalypse

Who would have thought it, reserved, 'we don't think zombies are real, that's preposterous', little old Britain is prepared for a possible attack by zombies.

Let's be honest here, we do have a pretty good advantage as it is. Geographically we couldn't really have a better location, we are an island and islands are surrounded by water, obviously, this is a huge advantage for us, we close the borders, close the airports, no one comes in, if you go out, you can't come back and we are pretty much sorted, the virus cannot spread to a country if its borders are closed... Unless we have zombies that can walk under water, or swim. Then we are sort of screwed.

We do have big, hefty, strong buildings which a zombie most definitely could not get into. Take Greenwich University for example. Big, strong buildings, surrounded by gates and fences and the Thames at one side for an escape route, or trade route via water. Sorted. Although, Greenwich is a densely populated area, so that would be a bit risky.

We do have countryside though. Miles and miles of grass and fields and forest. If you're a farmer, you have a chance - you need big fences though. Our land is very fertile too, we are able to grow crops to harvest, potatoes especially, as potatoes are the vegetables that keep people alive - it's true, we found that out in the 1500s when Columbus 'discovered' the New World. But unfortunately, our land isn't as good as the Americas, so they sort of one upped us there.

Another thing, England is full of underground bunkers from World War 1 and World War 2. We even have bunkers from when we feared a nuclear attack. They're probably haunted, but I guess that would be least of our worries.

Britain has an advance knowledge of filtration, plumbing and sanitation systems. I mean, we practically invented them. This would ensure clean water for everybody. Hooray.

We have medicine, raid the right places and you're in for a treat. There's a pharmacy on every corner, shame it's not the same for hospitals though.

The Minsitry Of Defence stated that 'in the event of an apocalyptic incident (eg zombies), any plans to rebuild and return England to its pre-attack glory would be led by the Cabinet a Office, and thus, any pre-planning activity would also taken place there.' And that their role would be to provide military support to civilians.

Read about it and Bristols plans here:

TWD - Tank Zombie Funko Pop!

Another addition to my Walking Dead Funko Pop! collection - Tank Zombie!

I'm an in the box collector so I don't take them out the box and have a good look around but from what I can see the art work is great and I love it, he's such a cool zombie from one of The Walking Dead's most iconic scenes and now I have him to display on my Zombie shelf!!

Zombieland 2 Announced

Finally! It's been 5 years since we saw the gang traipse around America trying to find safety and a new home in post-apocalyptic America. To me, this is the Zombie genre's funniest zombie film so I'm well chuffed that they've announced a second, why wouldn't you be?

Hopefully they get the whole cast back, that would be cool.
A Bill Murray cameo is a must.

I'm looking forward to this.

Read more here:

Monday, 6 October 2014

The Walking Dead Companion Series - Characters Revealed

It has been announced that The Walking Dead's companion series has a few characters they have decided to base it on. Two families and another lady called Andrea.

"SEAN CABRERA | A Latino male in his early 40s, Sean is a good man trying to do right by everyone in his life.

CODY CABRERA | Sean’s whip-smart and rebellious teenage son. Known as the angriest kid in town.

NANCY TOMPKINS | A thirtysomething single mom to two kids, Nancy looks like the girl next door, but there’s an edge to her.

NICK TOMPKINS | Nancy’s screwed up teenage son. He’s too old to stay home, too scared to flee.

ASHLEY TOMPKINS | Nancy’s mostly level-headed teenage daughter. Her ambition is in direct proportion to her older brother’s failures. She loves her mom but it’s time to get out of Dodge.

ANDREA CHAPMAN | A somewhat wilted flower child, fortysomething Andrea — yep, another Andrea! — has retreated to the outskirts of the city to recover after a horrible marriage."

Information from as quoted.

I've also heard rumours that it'll be set in Kansas, fair enough. How ironic considering they are current in their 'Zombie Preparedness Month'.

It'll be cool to see a new bunch of characters in a different part of the U.S.A. surviving and battling the apocalypse, I believe it will start from the beginning of the apocalypse, so it'll sort run side by side the mother series. 

I appreciate the fact they used the name 'Andrea' twice, they are right, if everybody had a different name it would be pretty unrealistic. 

I must say I am looking forward to this.

Are You Ready? TWD Season 5

I cannot wait.