Sunday 2 November 2014

Halloween - London Bridge Experience - Zombie Elephant Plush

For Halloween I was taken to The London Dungeons which was absolute brilliant. It goes through the history of London in the goriest ways, with a little boat ride that I was too scared to open my eyes on. Because we had so much fun we decided to continue the outing and we went to the London Bridge Experience. Similar to the Londom Dungeons, you get the history of London Bridge - which is so very gruesome. Then you enter the 'Tombs' which is just a scare fest - and blimey it was scary. Even though the London Dungeons was brilliant, I felt the London Bridge Experience with The Tombs was better and scarier. I would definitely recommend both these places - especially if you love horror.

Now onto the part regarding zombies. In the London Bridge Experience gift shop I found a bunch of zombie plushes which were so amazing - I wanted them all. But, I opted for the zombie elephant, he was bigger and had cooler additions to him than the others, but was still the same price.

A really cool thing is that if you pull his fez, his little peanut brain pops out! I thought this was a great idea and it was the thing that swayed me to buy him. Plus, I just really love elephants. Secondly, he has a detachable dead mouse stuck to his foot, quite a well thought out addition. He has a little hand/gloving missing and his trunk is sort of, cut in half, so you can put your finger in it! He's an amazing plush and he is made by the company Animazombs if anyone wants to get one!

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