Sunday 1 February 2015

[Film] The Evil Dead (1981) Review

Many people question whether or not The Evil Dead classes as a zombie film but I don't see why it doesn't? It's on Wikipedia in the 'List of Zombie Films' and it has also been noted on the Daily Mail website in an article as a zombie film,
So I'm going to go ahead and call it a zombie film. My reasoning for this is because well, they look exactly like zombies, they bite and eat human flesh - once bitten you inevitably die and come back as one of them. Like Romero's zombies they use tools and weapons to kill. Also, they tell people to 'join us' which, in theory, if zombies could talk that is probably what they would say. Well, after the initial 'braaaaaains.'

This film scared the crap out out of me. I hate anything supernatural and these zombies were of a 'supernatural possession' type of zombie. The way they spoke was horrible and frightening. Regardless of its age it is a cult classic and still worth a watch. I didn't like it because it actually scared me! But that doesn't discredit Raimi as I'm pretty sure that was his intention.

A group of friends go to a cabin in the woods and end up in a hot mess of turning into these zombie creatures. Pretty straightforward but a proper creepy film.

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