Monday 8 August 2016

Containment - Episode 2, "I To Die You To Live"

Patient zero (Syrian man) is found and he dies. The show starts off with a gruesome autopsy of him, carried out by the doctor previously mentioned. He discovers that the virus is not airborne and is passed through bodily fluids such as kissing, sneezing, blood, etc.

His whole family is taken into quarantine and everyone that they have been in contact with follows suit. Great - the whole virus is fully contained. But wait, oh dear, the Syrian guys kid brother has a girlfriend, where is she? Luckily she is within the borders of containment, but it turns out shes at a house party...

Now this is where the young pregnant couple and the party girl connect - the young pregnant girl's mate was at the same party, and happened to give the pregnant girl a kiss on the cheek - oh no, where is this going?

In episode one we saw an elderly man bringing test rats into the hospital that the teacher (as mentioned in post 1) is taking her students in to to cheer up the elderly. The teacher then meets the doctor. However, this elderly man turns out to be pregnant girls granddad - keeping up? Now the girls pal is confirmed sick and is in quarantine in the hospital.

The hospital lock down is lifted, but the whole containment area has been confined double, in order to contain 40,000 people indefinitely.

Poor Lex's girlfriend is still in the confined zone.

End of episode...

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