Monday 27 October 2014

George A. Romero Autograph And Picture - Now Framed!

Meeting George A. Romero was one of the best experiences of my life and I'm so glad I did it. Getting my picture with him and his autograph will be a memory that I will never, ever forget. Because this memory means so much to me, I really wanted to frame the autograph and the picture, but I couldn't find a frame that would fit these two objects in perfectly, and a custom frame would have been too expensive.

So, I went to Homebase and bought a 50cm x 40cm frame, with my staff discount it came to £7.99 and I then drove to Hobbycraft and bought an A1 piece of black card, which was the smallest bit of card which could be made to fit into the frame, all of the other cards were too small, plus I really needed a sturdy bit of card - not flimsy paper. I also got some masking tape which all in all came to £3.00.

I cut the card down to 50cm x 40cm and cut out two square 'frames' within the card in order to fit the autograph and the picture. I used my math skills - which I'm not great at - to get the positioning right. I cut everything with a Stanley knife and a ruler to make sure it was straight.

And here is the end product:

To be honest, I'm very proud of it.

If I can do it, anyone can, and it's a nifty way of making your own custom frame. It didn't even cost that much either - £10.99 not bad for a custom frame if I say so myself.

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