Sunday 25 October 2015

[Television] The Walking Dead - Season 6, Episode 2.

I watched this the other day but I've been so busy that it is only now that I've had the time to write this.

What. An. Episode. It was violent, it was gory, it was amazing. I'm so worried about the future of Alexandria it is unreal! Of course, I guess, if they stay in Alexandria for long it'll be 'boring' (I don't think so, but the general population does) and people will start to lose interest. Although, in the comics they are still there to this date. So who knows? Could go either way.

I'm really getting fed up of the Wolves and I'm very, very curious about that Enid. I reckon there's more to her than meets the eye, despite getting a bit of background information on her.

OH, AND, IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW... This episode was set at the same time as last weeks episode so now we know what that car horn was all about!! I knew the wolves were going to come and get crazy in this season!!

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