Sunday 27 July 2014

[Books] TWD Special: The Governor Books

You can probably tell by now, anything written by the creators of The Walking Dead I get my hands on pretty quick. However, I did not know about these books, no not comics, yes they are real books! For a long, long time, it was only when for Christmas 2013 I was given 'The Rise Of The Governor' as a present that I then found out about these books. There are four books written about The Walking Dead's very own character - The Governor.

If you have read the graphic novels then I highly suggest reading these alongside it, although do not fear if you have not read the comics, personally I feel it's not necessary to have read them and these four books could be easily understood if read on their own.

The first book reveals a remarkable twist, I recommend you read it just for that! But, like I've said before, Kirkman & Co's writing style gets me every time. It is written beautifully and they get you hooked on the first page, once I picked these up it was hard to put them down, I did have a lot of University work which forced me to put them down but being on my break means I got to pick them straight back up again. I am currently half way through the third book and it just gets better and better.

We get introduced to new characters, pretty cool ones at that and I love reading about their journey. There are a few familiar names in which we encounter, but so far just from the Woodbury area. For instance, Alice, Martinez and Doctor Stevens.

I can not wait to continue book three and head on to book four to see if all goes down like it does in the comics or television series, and I also wonder, will we get a glimpse of Rick? Or even Daryl? It'll be interesting to see the Fall of the Governor from his perspective.

Once I have read book four I will write another review, but so far, continuing the show of my collection.

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