Wednesday 17 September 2014

My Geek Box Subscription - September's Theme: Apocalypse! (Unboxing)

My Geek Box is a monthly subscription package to all things geeky. From £14.99 (depending what plan you pick - monthly, three months etc) you will receive one box each month filled to the brim with £40 worth of stuff related to that months theme, this includes a limited edition t-shirt.

The site is really cool and easy to use. If this sounds like something you would like to do, you can check it out on their site right here:

They ship to the United Kingdom, America and Europe. So if you're interested you do have a chance to get it!

I subscribed in August because My Geek Box announced that September's theme was Apocalypse! To me that was perfect as this theme includes a huge possibility for Zombie goodies which are my favourite, and of course will add to my zombie collection. Being a zombie/apocalypse themed blog I thought I'd share the experience of unboxing.

Below are pictures of my unboxing and short review of each item. This shall be fun!

Here is how it arrived:

When I opened the box there was a second box, this box is way cooler! I appreciate the first box, it protects everything inside nicely and the actual Geek Box itself is much less likely to get damaged.

The first thing I pulled out was My Geek Box's new magazine. To be honest, I like it, they write that it is a completely free extra and a thank you. It's got reviews and all sorts. Good stuff.

The second was a flyer, related to this months theme, a flyer for a Zombie Survival Experience. This is so amazing as I've always wanted to go to one, and with this little flyer My Geek Box has managed to get us a hefty 10% off. Thank you My Geek Box!

World War Z by Max Brooks! A book that I've been wanting to add to my zombie collection but haven't got round to getting yet. Well, looks like I don't have to worry now. I haven't seen the film yet although I did recently buy it on DVD. This is great though, now I have the option to read the book first or watch the film first.

Next, a glow stick. I'm all up for doomsday prepping so this is an excellent addition to the apocalypse theme.

This made me laugh when I saw this. A Twinkie. Yes, I've had one before and wrote about it in my film review, but I totally appreciate the Zombieland reference here. If people didn't understand they don't deserve the Twinkie!

Now, the limited edition t-shirt. I ordered a men's large because I'm so tall (5ft 11") however, this proved to be a bit of a mistake on my behalf. The t-shirt is huge! I recommend getting your actual size or even a size smaller. I don't play Fallout but I believe it's the Vault-Tec guy. I know, I don't deserve the t-shirt, but yellow isn't my colour really and the t-shirt is huge so I'll probably give it to a good friend. All in all, a pretty cool t-shirt though.

Last, but not least, a Funko Mystery Mini. I was hoping more for a Walking Dead Funko Pop, but a Mystery Mini will do just fine. I got the burnt zombie (certainly looks burnt to me). Which is pretty cool, my cat loved it - she wouldn't leave it alone.

Finally, I am pretty chuffed with the content of this box. A lot of people say they were disappointed with their previous boxes but I loved this box. You can see for yourself there's high quality stuff, big brand names and imports.  Definitely worth it, thank you, My Geek Box.

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