Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Walking Dead's Negan To Be Brought To Life On Television?!

Negan with his bat, 'Lucille.'

Yep! That's right. Anybody who reads The Walking Dead comics would certainly know about the brutal, immoral, nasty character of Negan from 'The Saviours'. Today, I found out that this infamous, villainous character may be brought straight to our screens in the television version of The Walking Dead!

(For those who don't know, Negan is 100 times worse than the Governor... That's all I'm going to say.)

If this is the case I feel very worried - and sorry for - many of the characters that we know and love today. Obviously the television series is different from the comics so different things do happen to different characters, but we have seen some of these bad things happen to just as big, and just as loveable characters, unfortunately they are also the ones who we deem as our favourites.

I would hate for the producers to bring his character in soon, I'd rather later, only because we have so much going on at the moment and there is so much story line in the comics to be done first.

Kirkman states however, that Negan might not appear until "somewhere like season 12." Blimey, we have a lot of The Walking Dead to look forward to!


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