Saturday 27 September 2014

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse (CDC)

I know this was 2011, but this blog is only a few months old. Following the recent Kansas Zombie Preparedness, it triggered my memory into remembering Preparedness 101. Just because it's 2011, doesn't mean it isn't still relevant.

The Centres For Disease Control And Prevention released a blog in order to guide us and help us be prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse. Similarly to Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas, the message is more of being prepared for any natural disaster, although a zombie apocalypse could just be one of them.

The thing is, people are just so much more interested in zombies than say, hurricanes. Because zombies are indeed popular culture, the CDC and alike feel they will engage many more readers and people in general through the use of zombies rather than pumping out the same old information people have heard before about hurricanes, tornados and so forth.

It was released due to people being worried about the possibility of a zombie type apocalypse because of the radiation fears in Japan. Now there's another idea, radiation fuelling the zombie apocalypse.

Read more here:

CDC Blog:

CDC Novella on Preparedness 101:

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